Sunday, 22 July 2012

sharing saturday... - The Neverending Story...

Every woman should have regular pap smears to screen for cervical cancer and observe their menstrual patterns. They should see their gynaecologists if they notice any irregular, heavy or painful periods.

As women enter into their prime, physiological changes occur to their bodies and productive system. Dr Lisa Wong, gynaecologist and specialist (Gynae-oncology Surgery) at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, shares what these women need to know, what to expect, and how to stay healthy. Here are the 5 major gynaecological concerns that women over 40 years of age need to pay attention to:

Menstrual Cramps

Many women experience menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhoea) and lower abdominal discomfort during their monthly periods. Dysmenorrhoea is commonly caused by endometriosis, a benign condition that develops chocolate-coloured cysts in the ovaries and scarring of the pelvic organs. Common medical treatments include analgesics and the oral contraceptive pill. Keyhole surgery may be required if the cysts are big.

Heavy Periods

Menorrhagia means having heavy blood flow during the menses. Usually characterised by passing blood clots during the first few days of the period, it can be a common source of embarrassment for many women when they are out with their friends or at work. Fibroids are one of the causes of heavy periods, and this lead to anaemia and cause symptoms of lethargy and fatigue. Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms, the size and number of fibroids and whether fertility is being pursued. These include medication such as tranexamic acid, NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) and the contraceptive pill. If you no longer wish to have children, the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine contraceptive device is very effective in reducing the flow. Surgical treatment can be used to remove the fibroids or even the entire womb.

Irregular Periods

Normal periods generally take place every 28 days. However, periods can become irregular and occur more frequently such as every fortnightly, or infrequently when they happen only once in three or four months. Irregular periods can be a sign of dysfunctional uterine bleeding or menopause. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding can cause the periods to occur more frequently and commonly requires hormonal treatment to regulate the cycle. Menopause on the other hand, is usually associated with hot flushes, insomnia and mood swings. Most women reach menopause when they are about 50 years old. However, these symptoms commonly start one to two years before menopause actually sets in and is physiological. The long-term menopause can cause osteoporosis. As such, calcium supplements and regular exercise are highly encouraged.

Intermenstrual Bleeding

Intermenstrual bleeding refers to irregular bleeding that occurs outside of the normal period time. This is different from irregular menstruation. Women who have intermenstrual bleeding should see their gynaecologist to have a pap smear done and be checked for cervical cancer. In addition, an ultrasound scan of the pelvis should be done to assess the womb. It is advisable to undergo a short procedure such as a hysteroscopy dilation and curettage where the lining of the womb is taken for examination to exclude uterine cancer. If detected, treatment of uterine or cervical cancer then depends on whether the cancer has spread, and commonly involves surgery with radiation or chemotherapy.

Abdominal Bloatedness

Abdominal bloatedness or distension can be a rather vague symptom. Many women often think they are just putting on weight as they age and tend to ignore it. Ovarian tumours, both benign and malignant, are known to cause abdominal bloatedness and are picked up through an ultrasound scan of the pelvis. Blood tests can also help detect tumours.

Ovarian cancer can be associated with other symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight and fluid collection in the abdomen. If these ovarian cysts are big, surgery is recommended so that a tissue diagnosis can be made. Treatment for ovarian cancer would entail surgery to remove the womb and ovaries, as well as chemotherapy administered if the cancer has spread to other areas.

Regular Pap Smears Recommended

Every woman should have regular pap smears to screen for cervical cancer and observe their menstrual patterns. They should see their gynaecologists if they notice any irregular, heavy or painful periods. More often than not, many of the symptoms above are caused by benign conditions which can be easily treated with medication or surgery.

It is important not to ignore these symptoms as they may be a sign of cancer. Gynaecological cancers have an excellent prognosis if detected and treated early. So take good care of your body, especially if you're over 40!

walaupun article ni specific to women over 40, saya share kat sini sebab saya sendiri ada symptoms ni dulu..maybe sekarang ni dah tak sampai 40-an pun kita dah terkena penyakit macam ni share kat sini mana la tau uolls pun ada symptoms ni ke kan..boleh la cepat bertindak =)

visit this website for more health tips..bukan pasal women je, ada macam-macam =)


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