The best way of ensuring that pine furniture remains in great condition is to give it the right care and attention. Depending on the kind of furniture you have in your home, you could use waxes or varnishes, or may want to use glass toppers to ensure that pieces of furniture do not become marked or dented by ornaments and accessories.
While pine is durable and an ideal choice for a busy family home it is also a naturally soft wood. This means that homeowners should avoid placing heavy items on top of pine and should also ensure that they do not place hot mugs of liquid or plates of food directly on the wood.
Pine furniture should not be placed directly in front of a radiator or heater, as this could cause the wood to warp, and it might also be wise to avoid putting pieces next to windows which catch a lot of sun.
A common mistake that many pine furniture owners make is using commercial polishes from cleaning product brands. Generally speaking, these sprays are only designed to smell good and can actually be harmful to pine.
Most pine furniture simply needs light dusting with a soft cloth, and sticky marks can easily be removed with warm water containing a little soap.
If you want to give your pine furniture an extra layer of care and an attractive finish you could consider using block wax. Make sure you go for unperfumed options, to ensure no harmful chemicals get onto your furniture, and apply to pine surfaces every few months.
You could also use the wax on the inside of drawers or other areas which are not on view, but you only need to do this once every year or so.
Something which you might notice about your pine furniture is that it changes colour over time, but this is nothing to worry about. Depending on how much sunlight your pine gets, and a range of other factors, it will mellow into a darker shade over a period of a few years.
If you are looking for new furniture for your home and want pieces which are durable, attractive to look at and competitively priced, pine is a fantastic choice.
Bio: Kimberley Homer is a representative of Pine Oak Furniture ? one of the UK?s largest online furniture retailers. View the company?s full range of pine furniture designs online at
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