Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Building The Marriage Of Your Dreams Together | The Relationship ...

Posted on April 3rd, 2012 by Mike in Healthy Relationship

You meet the love of your life, you get to know each other more and a relationship starts to develop, you are both convinced that you partner is the one for you and you get engaged, you have both survived the dreaded cold feet syndrome, you have got married and now you both live happily ever after. It would be great if it worked out that way but it does not.

, one of you cannot do it all, you are a partnership so you will have to work together. I say work, but is making your loved one happy really work?

If you want to build the marriage of your dreams then

, share your feelings and emotions, get into your partners head and find out what makes them work. You are supposed to be their best friend, you are their unconditional support when they have problems, if you do not know what they are going through then how can you help and support them. If you do not talk to each other then you are no longer sharing each others lives, you will drift apart and probably add to the divorce statistics. If you talk then you are continually strengthening your bond with each other and if problems do arise then you can deal with them before they become a problem. Life touches you both in different ways and you need to bring this richness of experience into the marriage, along with your partners it will help your marriage develop with new experiences and ideas.

Love is a wonderful emotion but sadly it has a finite life. You can reignite the spark but it will not last everyday for the whole of your married life. If you want to see the years together then you have not only like your partner, you have to be their very best friend. It has been found that couples whose relationships are based on friendship are less likely to divorce as they tend to be happier together.

O.K so you might be a married couple but you still remain individuals with your own wants and needs and sometimes those wants and needs will clash. Do not ever play the blame game, do not shout and scream at each other, approach each problem calmly and rationally, if that means that you need to calm down first then do so. Work at each problem one at a time and always look to find a compromise that you are both happy with, it will strengthen your relationship and get you into the habit of dealing with problems together.

Give your marriage some kind of shared focus that takes you into the future so set yourselves some joint goals. Your goals can focus on kids, careers, possessions, interests and vacations. As you achieve goals keep adding new ones, if you are always looking to what you will achieve together in the future it will give your marriage a sense of stability and longevity.

You must spend quality time together. This can be anything from vacations, going to classes or a movie, going for a walk or a game of golf, or even just curling up in front of the T.V together. Time spent together with none of the day to day distractions brings you closer, it relieves stress and it gives you an all important opportunity to just enjoy each others company, you might even enjoy it. You need you time once a week. If you have kids then send them of to grandparents or aunts and uncles. If other commitments start to loom then put them of, there is nothing in your lives as important as your relationship is. Your kids will leave home but you will be together for I hope decades to come, so look after each other and enjoy yourselves, you did when you first started dating so why stop now.

Do not forget to spend a bit of me time as well. You both need time to have some space for yourself to pursue your own interests, it also has the side benefit of giving you new things to talk about.

and along the way you will probably have to compromise. Take care of yourself and your partner. Give your love, attention and understanding without expecting anything in return. Be honest and open with each other. Be there for your partner when they need you and when you face difficulties then face them together. Be grateful for what you have and enjoy a long and happy life together.

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