Thursday, 8 March 2012

Spring Gardening Information

We are now at the beginning of spring. There should be more than just thoughts regarding your landscaping. It's that time to get moving. I thought I would share a few tidbits of information to make your gardening a little easier and bountiful.

1. February is the perfect month for applying pre emergent on your existing landscaping. Pre Emergents do not kill existing weeds, but will control many of the seeded weeds that will soon sprout. Depending on what type, you purchase, they can be used on landscape beds and your? lawn. Be warned however that some pre emergants don't get along with some landscape plants.

2. Think about liming your lawn and gardening area. The PH factor is highly acidic in the Pacific Northwest. Liming is always a good thing. Just make sure you don't lime your acid loving plants like, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias or Roses.


If you haven't cleaned out your beds this winter, do it now. A cleaned planter bed, will have less insects and diseases.

4. Fresh top dress on the beds always makes your landscape look better. We like to use black compost or aged hemlock bark. Figure 2? over the entire planter bed. We figure 7 yards of material for every 1,000 square feet.

5. Adjust, repair and fine tune your irrigation system. It won't be long and you will be used regularily.

Spring is almost here and time is quickly running out to plan your beautiful summer garden!? This is the perfect time of the year to implement your dream landscape.? Plants (softscape) that are put in the ground in early spring will have a chance to get established before the summer heat kicks in.? Could you imagine a gorgeous bed of purple flowered Echinacea or bright white colored Shasta Daisies in your own backyard? While you are planting have you thought about the new patio you wanted or the paver path to your shed? If so, this is the best time of the year for that installation, especially since you will have all summer to enjoy your new hardscape and gain the envy of your friends and neighbors.

Below is a picture of a job we completed in the Ridgefield/Vancouver area, exemplifying the bed of beautiful flowers that will brighten up anybody's day.

Could you imagine hosting a party with your friends on the patio below on a beautiful sunny day in the Pacific Northwest?

Woody's Custom Landscaping has certified landscapers on staff and are eager to exceed your spring landscaping goals.

Click on our services to see what Woody's? Custom Landscaping can do for you.


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